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Reasons Why You Should Clean Up After Your Dog
Here are some important reasons why you should pick up your pet’s waste:
- It’s ugly
- It smells
- It’s messy
- It’s the right thing to do
- It pollutes the environment
- It attracts pests and parasites
- It contaminates water (rivers, streams, lakes and our oceans)
- Bacteria in waste can endanger humans, pets, wildlife, birdlife and marine life
- It’s high in nitrogen and phosphorus which promote weed and algae growth in water
Diseases Associated with Animal Faeces
Several diseases can be transmitted from dogs to humans via faeces.
- E. coli
- Giardia
- Coccidia
- Parvovirus
- Salmonella
- Toxocariasis
- Canine coronavirus
- Cryptosporidium
- Campylobacter
- Roundworms
- Hookworms
- Whipworms
One gram of dog waste can contain up to 23 million faecal coliform bacteria.
In 2019, there were approximately 900 000 dogs in Victoria alone producing roughly 90 tonnes of dog waste each day!
Tips for Picking Up & Discarding Pet Waste
- Buy dog waste bags
- Pay attention to when your dog has to go and be ready
- Pick up one extra dog poop that doesn’t belong to your dog
- Take extra bags and offer them to pet parents who fail to pick up their pet’s waste
- Encourage others to clean up after their pets with a sign and free bags outside your home
- Find out if there’s a company in your area that picks up and properly disposes of pet waste
- Don’t go for doggy walks without a way to remove waste from the environment
- Don’t use compost in your garden that contains pet waste
Also find out what your municipality expects of you, for example:
In Sydney, dog owners have a legal responsibility to pick up after their dogs. The city will provide dog tidy stations (including bags) at off-leash parks and other suitable locations.
Most councils require dog owners to remove and dispose of their dog’s waste when in public places. Some also require dog owners to carry an appropriate bag or scoop to remove dog waste whenever walking their dog in a public place. Dog owners who do not comply may be fined.
DID YOU KNOW? 1 to 7 April is International Pooper Scooper Week!
In 2008, the first week of April was declared International Pooper Scooper Week. Its purpose is to spread awareness of a rising problem and educate pet parents on the importance of cleaning up after their dogs. #PooperScooper Week
Do Your Part as Pet Parent
From 1 to 7 April AND BEYOND, let’s commit to being better pooch parents by picking up and discarding waste properly.
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