Source: Hindustan Times (Extract)
Posted: April 13, 2023

Loss of appetite in cats can be a cause of concern for pet owners as their feline companion may be hiding the real reason.

Cats are picky eaters and any change in the timing, type or quantity of food can make them refuse their meals. One of the reasons why cats are so selective about what they eat could be the fewer taste buds than their human buddies – they have only a few hundred taste buds, while humans have over 9,000.

While picky behaviour is normal in cats, it becomes a cause of worry when your cat isn’t eating properly or skipping their meals too frequently. Considering they are known for their secretive behaviour and may have a tendency to hide their pain and illnesses, pet parents must consult a vet and investigate the cause of loss of appetite in their cat.

“A loss of appetite in cats can be concerning for pet owners. There can be many reasons why a cat may stop eating, and it’s essential to identify and address the underlying cause,” says Lalit Khanna, Co-founder, Guts and Glory Impressions LLP.

Khanna shares some common reasons why a cat isn’t eating or skipping their meals.

Illness or pain

One of the most common reasons is illness or pain. Cats may not eat when they are feeling unwell or experiencing pain. If this is the case, it’s crucial to take your cat to the vet as soon as possible.

Change in routine

Changes in the environment can also cause stress in cats and lead to a loss of appetite. Try to make the environment as comfortable and stress-free as possible for your cat and give it time to adjust to any changes.


Recent vaccinations or medications can cause temporary side effects, such as loss of appetite. Keep an eye on your cat after any vaccinations or medication and contact your veterinarian if you suspect this is the cause.

Dental issues

Dental issues can make it painful for your cat to eat. Take your cat to the vet for a dental check-up to rule out any issues.

Food preferences

Lastly, food preferences can cause a cat to stop eating. Experiment with different types of food and flavours to find out what your cat likes. Make sure your cat is getting the appropriate amount of food at regular intervals.

“If your cat is not eating, monitor its behaviour and seek veterinary attention if necessary. In the meantime, try to entice your cat to eat by offering different types of food, heating up their food, and providing a comfortable and stress-free environment. Remember, a healthy cat is a happy cat,” concludes Khanna.